Ok, so i finally managed to get a shower! Once you hear why, you may not be so quick to judge next time.
Yeah: A shower!

Ok, so i finally managed to get a shower! Once you hear why, you may not be so quick to judge next time.
Sending secure email means you can send private encrypted messages between 2 parties. And I’m going to help you get set up and you’ll see why you should start to send secure email when possible.
PLUS: I’m also going to tell you the downsides of sending secure email.
Although there is a difference between PGP and GPG, I shall be using the term interchangeably in this post. However, if you want to dig deeper visit the Go Anywhere page on the differences between PGP and GPG.
In these days of government snooping and with Internet crime being on the rise it makes sense that you want to keep your private data private. Furthermore, unprotected Wi‑Fi networks are huge at the moment, with everywhere from cafes and supermarkets to taxis and busses all offering you free access to the Internet.
There are even plans in the USA for the government to create a “Super Wi‑Fi” network. While this would of course be huge but there are opponents to Super Wi‑Fi, although this would be a huge convenience for many but at the same time if it’s not handled properly it has the potential to be a windfall for cyber criminals.
Granted, these free Wi‑Fi networks are often partitioned away from the main business side of their Internet connection but you still have to ask yourself who is sharing this insecure access with you. To put it into perspective: You wouldn’t take all the security precautions off of you home internet router and allow just any passer-by to access your network, would you?
If someone did manage to get into your device over the Internet, you don’t want them reading your conversations with your closest friends or your bank manager.
If you do use public Wi‑Fi then Kaspersky has some basic free advice on using public Wi‑Fi connections
To start sending secure email you need to:
As the mixture of operating systems and email clients could be huge I’m going to pass you off to the OpenPGP website as it has a list of plugins to add PGP/GPG key to email clients. These cover quite a few of the various operating systems and email clients.
If you want to start sending secure emails you need to get your public key to the other person and here are just a few of the ways you can do that:
Although you don’t have to exchange emails I prefer to send at least a test email before any sensitive data is exchanged. This means you can confirm that you have each others’ public keys and maybe even send a secure test message.
My aim is not to convince you that you should be sending secure email. Instead, it’s to give you the knowledge so that can decide whether you should be sending secure email or not. So with that in mind here are a few down sides to securing your emails:
I personally think that despite the disadvantages, it is worth the hassle and the positives out-way the negatives. In addition, as a Software Engineer/Web Developer I can use my public key for other tasks such as signing code that I add to a public project or I can easily set up authentication using my key instead of passwords.
Are you willing to pay more for your milk in order to help UK farmers? If so have you tried (like me) to get your milk from places other than supermarkets? If so I would love to hear about it.
In this post I run you through my experiences of trying to help the dairy farmers out
OK, Let’s get this straight: I consider the BBC's Panarama program to be “The Sun” of the television world. It puts out programs that scaremonger and offer little in the way of any type of evidence except circumstantial.
With this latest issue they have accused Alberto Salazar of doping along with one of his main athletes Galen Rupp.
Since they aired this episode one of Alberto's main athletes, Mo Farrah has been caught in the middle of these doping allegations. One can see in his interviews that he is very stressed and he has today said that the pressure on his 5 months pregnant wife is extremely painful.
The last two weeks have been the toughest of my life – with rumours and speculation about me that are completely false – and the impact this has had on my family and friends has left me angry, frustrated and upset. In particular, the media pressure on my young family and my wife, who is five months pregnant, is extremely painful, especially as I'm away training for some important races.
I would not be surprised, nor blame Mo if he decided to compete for Somalia. Although the British public are behind Mo the British “press” have done nothing but harass him. On tonight's BBC news at 22:00 they showed a clip of Mo being harassed by a “journalist” forcing him to drive in an unsafe manner with one arm covering his face. I am not linking to this video on purpose.
Whether or not this was a BBC employee or a freelance scumbag they should be ashamed of themselves. If it IS a BBC employee then serious questions need to be answered about their tactics and if it is a freelancer then the BBC should not be enabling and perpetuating this behaviour!
Had he driven over the journo's foot he (the scumbag journo) would be the first to be claiming compensation (well…the only one in-fact).
Time and time again the press have harassed our public personalities and yet we (by whom I mean they) still buy the “news”papers even though they criticize both the techniques and results!
Rant Over!
In the past 48 hours the Conservative party of the United Kingdom have won an overall majority (ie first past the post) victory in the 2015 General Election.
Also the Liberal Democrats it has to say have been trounced losing most of their seats with the resultant resignation of Nick Clegg. I personally think this is a great mistake although I totally and utterly respect his position at the head of a political party with such a low amount of votes.
My fear is that it is only now, with 5 years solely under a conservative Government will this country realise how much work the Liberal Democrats actually did whilst they were in a coalition with this Government during it's previous term. I fear that as a country as a whole we were not made aware of the actual amount of work that Nick Clegg and his party did in order to keep the planned Tory cuts in check.
Now with no coalition allies in place to try and keep this Government in check the Tories will let loose with a full pelt of cuts to public services, benefits and possibly sanctions against this countries immigrant population.
Sure! The countries defecate may be alleviated but public services will be totally broken.
I use both of these in the sub-heading as for me they are related. Thanks to the Hysteria and scaremongering from UKIP there has been what is in my mind an irrational explosion in the the fear of immigrants. Various parties have promised an array of benefits for the NHS but none of them have touched on what many would consider to be a vital point: If the NHS are to recruit the staff that they need in order to fill the necessary positions then many positions will have to be filled from a pool of health workers from overseas. I do not have hard and fast facts to hand to back up these claims, it is just what I have learned over the years; ny using common sense and from my recent trips to hospital.
This fear reminds me of Mo Szyslak from The Simpsons TV Series when he says “It's those immigants” although Szyslak is [as I understand it] a Polish name (I digress)!
Here's the problem: Once you cut public services and their buildings are forces to be sold, the land is then gone. The talented stock of employees that could have taken decades to build up have become disillusioned and left to seek employment at a more personally satisfying career.
Julia Hartley-Brewer has written a great article for the Telegraph called The Liberal Democrats have been punished for doing the right thing which basically outlines my fears and frustrations with the UK Electorate.
I shall also touch upon the success of the Scottish Independence Party (SNP).
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the voter turn out in Scotland was much higher than the rest of the United Kingdom
The Scottish Independence Referendum or recent times excited many voters who had previously not had an interest in the political system. Admittedly the live TV debates have apparently increased voter turn out but in my mind we still saw the same old insults and blame games instead of a focus on future policies.
All I can say is that it would be great if many business leaders took the view of the 3 party leaders who today resigned. Coming from a military background as I do I am of the mind that if an organisation fails, the buck ultimately stops with the top man (or woman).
I have to say that I believe a fundamental mistake by the Labour party was to totally dismiss the idea that they would go into power along with the SNP. Whilst I totally understand their reasoning I do think that on this occasion it may have been political suicide as I'm pretty sure they would have kept several of their strong-holds in Scotland as well as having the option to go into power with the SNP.
As always I am a very opinionated person and it has to be said that I am by far an expert in the area of politics. I watch the news as often as possible and try and keep up with politics as much as I can in daily life. This not only makes me a “saddo” but a well informed person as to the state of our Great Britain!
As always if you have anything to add then please either leave a comment below of reply via any of the social media outlets you see this post on.
For those of you who didn’t know (nearly all of you) – I suffered a heart attack on Friday morning. What I write here not only serves a source of information for others but will allow a record to be kept for historical purposes.
My Mobile phone had been playing up for weeks and could only get a signal in a few places so it had to go into Vodafone to be investigated. Estimated timeline for repair: 7-10 working days
I had an assignment due in for my Open University (OU) degree but had to get an extension as I was too busy and it wasn't ready.
Rowan (my son) was being a right pain in the bum which meant that not a single piece of OU work got done. That meant it had to be done over the weekend (Sunday was spoken for).
I started a new full-time job as at SkyBet as a Software Developer. This was brilliant for me for a number of reasons.
I walked it up to school with Rowan and Ann (my wife) as far as Barnsley train station. From there I was to catch the train into Leeds and start my new job.
Unfortunately that wasn't to be and some scum-bag had stolen all of the cabling out of one of the signalling points in Wakefield. This meant that there were no trains running to Leeds.
This was not a problem as I could just phone my new boss and let him know the circumstances and that I may be a bit late in but I hoped the detour on the train journey that would have taken my via Meadowhall. Then I had a thought:
Whilst Ann was at home off of work the car was sat there doing nothing. Yes it meant that the forty-odd Pounds I had just folked out on for a weekly train ticket would not be used to it's full potential and sure… I would have to folk out another twenty-odd Pound in parking charges but it was preferable to being late on my first day of a new job.
With that in mind I went back, got the car and managed to get to my new job on time.
When I got back from work I was shattered! The OU work would have to wait Im afraid.
Again work was fine and when I got back I was yet again shattered. I had all the intentions of doing my OU course work but was simply too tired.
Over a week later and still no sign of my phone being back.
The journey to Leeds as well as a full time job would shatter me out again.
I sat down with my OU course work and finally continued with my studies. Unfortunately I was way too tired and Ann had to wake me up every 5 minutes. Even to the point where my head was resting on my text-book looking like I was busy studying. It was only when Ann realised that our dog usually did not snore that loud that it was in fact me making all the noise. Ann told me to go to bed but instead I just put the course work away.
I went to work as usual and came home as usual. I knew that I had to get quite a bit of OU work done on Thursday night. In fact I only did a little as…yes; you guessed it…I was shattered.
That meant that most of the OU assignment would have to be done on the Friday after I got back from work. With that in mind I started putting together what little I had from my assignment together into it's final format.
Not much got done on this end though as I was simply too tired.
Also bearing on my mind was the fact that I still had two months worth of minutes to transcribe and write up for the Honeywell Tennant's and Resident's Association which I am Secretary for.
I knew exactly what had to be done. I had breakfast with Rowan and then we all went upstairs to get ready for work and school. I went to take a shower and once it finished all Hell broke loose.
I got in the shower as usual but this time I stepped out and went really dizzy: my chest went really tight as well. I went for a lie down on the bed with the fan blowing over me. Unfortunately the tightness in my chest did not go away and to top things off I was also finding it difficult to breath.
I knew that this was no ordinary dizzy spell so got some clothes on and went to see Pat next door as she used to be a nurse. She took my blood pressure and pulse and told me that at the least I should go straight up to my GP's surgery and that if they didn't let me see a Doctor straight away then I should go straight to the local A&E department.
Without realising what I was saying I said “OK, I’ll have slow walk up there now and wait to see somebody”. On hearing this I think she herself had a heart-attack and she immediately drove me up the the Doctor's while Ann took Rowan up to school.
When I got to the GP's surgery I explained the symptoms that I had and the receptionist went straight into the back office. She came out a few seconds later and told me to sit down (which I already had). Within seconds a Doctor had appeared; he looked at me and told the receptionist to dial 999 and tell them that they had a heart attack patient at the surgery.
A wheel chair was brought out and I was wheeled into the back nurses station where I was laid on a bed; given some GTN spray underneath my tongue and an oxygen mask was put over my mouth and nose.
Within minutes the ambulance crew were there and it's two young ladies were soon helping out. Everybody then tried to stabilise my condition but decided that I should be taken straight to hospital. They moved me into a wheel-chair again and started to move me to the door. Then I threw up! and when I say I threw up I mean…I THREW UP! At the time I still had me oxygen mask on and as I myself didn’t get any warning it first of all went all inside the mask; then spouted out of the holes in the mask with such force that it went all the way up in the air and down my back, fleece and let's not forget the walls of the surgery! However, at least when I hurled I felt much better.
Once I was in the ambulance one of the technicians tried her best to get a canular into one of my arms but after trying in both arms and wrists for about 10 minutes she gave up and took me straight into hospital.
I was then transferred straight to the resuscitation ward of the A&E department. There they tried to get my heart beat down and after a while I vomited again into yet another face mask and again I felt much better. The Doctor told me that it was a good job I vomited as he was about to pump something into me but now there was no need.
At it's peak my heart beat was at 180 beats per minute and one of the levels that is indicative of a heart attack that should be below 40 was above 3,000 !
Once they got my heart under control they arranged for me to go up to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) in Barnsley District General Hospital (BDGH).
Since I have been up here in the CCU I have been treated brilliantly. Initially I didn’t want my Mum to know which meant not telling anybody. The reason was that I am in the bed next to the one my Nanan died in. Imagine my Mum's feelings when she comes in to see her son recovering from a heart attack only to see him in the bed besides the one her mother died in. In the end Ann & I decided that she would never have forgiven me if we hadn't told her. I made the mistake then of not thinking of my Dad and never thought to tell him.
While I was in Resus they were trying to phone Ann to let he know what had gone on but I have blocked all anonymous calls and so they couldn't get though. As far as Ann was concerned I had just gone up to the Doctor's to wait and see if they had any appointments to see a Doctor as she thought I was just having a dizzy spell.
Any normal week my phone is very rarely used and now that it is in the shop I have had a quite desperate need for it twice this week. Once on Monday when I found out there were no trains to Leeds and then again on Friday after I had the heart attack and they needed to get in touch with Ann.
I could also do with my phone so that I can use the internet. As it is I have a script ready for when Ann arrives. Then I can tether to her phone and set the script running. It will then do quite a few of the things that I need the internet connection for.
For example: I am using a word processor to write this blog post and I will post it once Ann gets here tonight. Even her connection is very slow though so you have to excuse a lack of pictures. If I can find some stock images on my laptop that I can use then I may use them but if not I shall just post a plain text post to begin with and anybody who is interested will read it.
Well that is all. If you wish to leave any comments then you can leave them by replying below or simply by replying via Facebook/Twitter etc.
Unfortunately last year my maternal nanan/grandmother died & since then my mum's quality of life has gone downhill… let me explain.
About 5 years ago my maternal grandparents were at a stage in their life when it wasn't really possible for them to live in their two-storey house by themselves any more. My mum and dad took the decision to put their live's on hold and move in with them. They gave up the flat that they rented, moved in with them and they began a new life in the conservatory and the small bedroom they now had.
This meant that my grandparents could carry on living in the house they moved into when they arrived in Barnsley over 50 years ago and they had both physical and emotional support.
It has to be said that it wasn't easy for my parents to give up their existing lives; put everything on hold and become full time carers. They now had many extra responsibilities and my grandparents could only be left on their own for very little (if any) time by themselves such was the support that they needed.
After a period of time of being really bad my grandad/grandfather died on the 15th November, 2012, leaving my mum; dad and nanan. Things were ok for a while and then came the news that my mum and dad were splitting up after my dad admitted that he had been having an affair. This left just my mum and nanan but unfortunately this didn’t last long and my nanan died shortly after on the 20th June last year (2015).
What seems like as soon as my nanan passed the hassle began for my Mum over my nanan (and grandad)'s will. This stated that my mum could live in the house that was now her home for as long as she wanted rent free. A few of my mum's siblings have pressured my mum into selling the house as soon as possible no matter the price it brings. It has to be said that this pressure was applied in a passive-aggressive way and with no thought for my mum's feelings; financial situation or health and although many of the family are in the building trade there has been very little work done; even though only a small amount of work would increase the property value.
The situation has now gotten so bad that my mum just wants to get rid of the house and the stress is causing several ongoing health issues to get worse.
The pressure applied by several people to sell the house has changed my perception of them quite a bit. It was my parents and nobody else who offered to move in with them. If it had been up to a few others then my nanan and grandad would have had no support or had to live in a nursing home. It was my parents who moved and and the stress of putting their own lives on hold ultimately cost them their marriage. Despite this my mum has stayed strong and is being repaid by her own family with a total lack of gratitude for the sacrifices she has made.
I personally feel that the members of the family should be ashamed of how they have treated one who gave such a personal sacrifice to care for the major figure-heads of the family empire “for something as common as money” (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005).
Let me be clear: My family and I are not blameless in all of this! Although my mum knows that if ever she needs us we will be there for her, we don't spend anywhere near as much time with my mum as we should do. My wife and I work at least 60 hours each per week (including work at night at home and work at weekends) and by the time weekend comes we are shattered and we just want to spend time relaxing at home chilling out with our son. Most weeks we have very good intentions of visiting my mum but these never come to fruition for a variety of reasons. We have also been living on our own for many years and have learned to be very independent (as one is supposed to be when one has had a career in the army).
We were however all prepared to offer my mum a place in our home if things came to the worst (I am not sure if we actually did or not): we had the housing arrangements all sorted and everything but mum wants to go back to being independent so there you go.
As always I would really like your thoughts: Do you agree with me that people should be ashamed or can you see an alternative viewpoint?
What? Are you kidding me? With so much going on in the world at the moment why has Jeremy Clarkson got 2nd bill on the 10 o’clock news?
Ok. Let’s get started! Last week Jeremy Clarkson [allegedly] punched a producer and everybody including David Cameron is calling for him to be re-instated.
Let’s get this straight; if he is found guilty and then re-instated then he will be getting away with Gross misconduct and some sort of criminal assault. Because he is famous and brings in an estimated £50m for the BBC he is possibly to be allowed to get away with assault whilst already on a final warning. Be warned: If he gets away with it this time he will know that he is to be allowed to get away with whatever he likes.
Add to this over half of a million people signing to have him re-instated. Can you imagine of that many people got involved in a political debate or petition?
On to you. Do you want him re-instated? Do you think he should get away with it or do you just think it’s a big kerfuffal over nothing?
First of all: I wish that people wouldn’t call them Islamic State or even “The so called Islamic State” (yes I’m looking at you BBC). In a few years they will say “We have been known as the Islamic State for years now by everyone” and I believe they will use that name to try and legitimise stolen land.
OK, onto the main crux of the post. It’s about British men going over to fight alongside the Kurdish Peshmerga. It may surprise many of you to learn that I totally get where they are coming from. I agree with one of those fighters who draws parallels with the Nazis. It is a analogy that I would never normally use but with the public fear they thrive on and the recent incident of historical genocide that is destroying the ancient ruins that pre-date Christ there is no doubt in my mind that these people need to be stopped. Of course the smashing of ruins has no comparison with some of the violent acts which they have performed.
Before I continue I will say that the reason I believe this is not the way forward is that no matter how much one disagrees with things once cannot simply pick-up arms in a foreign country and go to fight in their wars. It is not the way things are done. We have a democratic government. I disagree with our policies but the way to change them is by voting with your feet; not by picking up a rifle and killing people we do not like in unsanctioned action. Sympathy wise I have only a little more sympathy for the ones who go to fight alongside the Peshmerga that the ones who go to fight alongside the terrorists. Either way you cannot simply go off to a war that is not legally ours and not expect consequences (if you survive the war).
I am proud of my service in Iraq and Afghanistan for a reason: We were helping people! Many people will disagree with that and they were not there to see the roads lined with people who could have just as easily stayed and hidden in their houses but they didn’t. There were many places I visited where we were treated like heroes (In Iraq at least). It is that very same pride that allows me to say that I understand why these people are going over there. One cannot just stand by and watch as thousands of people are being terrorised and killed by a terrorist force and do nothing.
I also agree with one of the fighters that the response from our government has been shameful. I publicly said several years back (before there was a rebel force in Syria) that we should have gone in there and taken it to the Syrian regime. I stand by that announcement and I also think that during the “Arab Spring” the West was very quick to tell the people of the countries ruled by a iron fist that they could stand up for themselves and we would back them. The West did that because it looked like it worked in Egypt so why not in other countries (in my opinion) but when it didn’t work out we (the West) just left them to it.
I am currently ashamed to be part of a society that has such an attitude. We cannot just leave people to be slaughtered and do nothing. That is not the reason I joined or stayed in the British Army. It is not the reason I volunteered to go on and stay on as many Operation Tours as I could whilst I was in the British Army.
Saying that if these terrorists were indeed a recognised state then we (the UK at least) would simply throw some sanctions at them (don’t get me started on our lack of backbone against Putin)!
What do you think? Over to you. Do you have sympathy for those going over to fight alongside the Peshmerga or not?
Enough rambling. As usual I have overstayed my welcome on this post
Today I came across a site called MovieTube (I am not going to provide a link as it will increase their SEO stats). It is billed as site that allows you to watch new films for free and most importantly LEGAL. I have searched on the internet for 20 minutes or so to see if this is actually legal or not and although I have found many answers such as
If a person steals fireworks and sets them off in the city centre is it illegal to watch them?
Which is a completely ludicrous analogy. I have not found an answer that I am comfortable with such as from a Lawyers site. The most definitive answer I have found was from the MoneySavingExpert site that is more in-line with my thinking.
It may very well be legal to watch these movies but there is one major obstacle stopping me from doing so…I have morals!
Think about it for a minute or two. Millions of pounds are spent on these Movies and the related marketing. Who cares how much the stars of the movie are on; the fact is that they have worked legally for their income.
Somebody does the equivalent of taking a video recorder into a cinema (or pictures as I still call it) and recording a film them putting it on the internet. Just because the MovieTube site does not host the videos themselves does not make it right. This site was specifically set up in order to facilitate illegal activity.
Watching films from this site may very be legal but morally it is an outrageous thing to do!
Some of you may remember several years ago when people were sent notices because their IP address had been used to listen to pirated content that was supposed to be “legal”. The very same thing may happen to viewers of MovieTube once the lawyers catch up.
What do you think. Is it moral or immoral – why do you think it's moral or immoral?